This project was all about creating smart storage solutions for an active family in North Port, FL. With lots of outdoor gear like paddle boards and tools, they needed a garage that could handle it all while staying organized and looking great. We came up with a plan that balanced functionality and style to make the most of their space.
To maximize overhead storage, we installed sturdy rack systems above the garage door and added a powered kayak pulley to easily lift and store their paddle boards. On the left wall, slat wall panels were installed for quick access to frequently used items. For even more organization, we built a 6-foot workstation on the back wall, paired with pantry cabinets and a second tier of wall cabinets, all in a sleek Fog Gray finish.
This garage is now a perfect blend of style and efficiency, giving the family easy access to their gear while keeping everything neat and organized. It’s a great example of how we customize every project to fit our clients' unique needs.